There’s an App for That!

Admittedly, I fell into the category of people believing the hype about Apple’s latest release, the iPad. I read the rumor blogs and wallowed in the speculations about futuristic features once only realized on the Jetsons*. Now, after watching Steve Jobs’ somewhat uninspired launch of the iPad I’m left thinking two things (and, no, one is not the name).

Firstly, honey they blew up my iPhone. Don’t get me wrong, I love my iPhone (I really, really love it), but it’s not a laptop and it fits in my pocket. Will people really carry it around?

Secondly, and perhaps most importantly, what suppliers are currently scrambling around doing mad R&D to develop promotional products for the the latest and greatest offering from Apple? I hear the neoprene being stretched as we speak. If anyone has any inside information, please let me know.

In case you missed the introduction of the iPad, here’s the video.

Watch Apple iPad Special Event Video

*Footnote: Besides a flying car and transport tube, weren’t the Jetsons right on just about everything else?

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One Thought to “There’s an App for That!”

  1. Charles,

    Seems like your expectations were way too high. Unfortunately, yours is a typical journalists reaction. If you have nothing good to say, say something bad.

    Perhaps you wanted it to do windows too!

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